Matt Is, Mohinder Isn't, by baehj2915 (R)

Feb 21, 2009 07:56

Title: Matt Is, Mohinder Isn't
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Matt/Mohinder
Categories: Fluff, Kidfic (sorta)
Length: Epic (~43,000 words)
Warnings: m/m graphic and non-graphic sex, mother-in-laws and ex-wives

Author on LJ: baehj2915
Website: n/a

After Kirby Plaza, Matt and Mohinder become roommates, co-parents, and more.

You know what I love?
Matt/Mohinder fluffy domestic!fic.
You know what I love more?
40,000+ words of Matt/Mohinder fluffy domestic!fic.
This is possibly the fluffiest, cutest take on the (so incredibly gay) living arrangements in season 2 I've read. And to top it all off, it actually deals with the fact that Matt has an ex-wife, which is a plus in my book. :)

Matt Is, Mohinder Isn't (pt.1)
... and the rest!

genre: kids, genre: fluff, length: epic, genre: domestic, recs by lolitakun, fandom: heroes

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