Happy Half-Price Candy Day! :)
Title: Kinda Like That Movie With Sandra Bullock
Fandom: EUReKA
Pairing: Nathan/Jack
Categories: Comedy, Drama
Length: Medium
Warnings: Pheromones made them do it?
Author on LJ:
Writer D's Blog Review:
When Jack accidentally gets doused with what is tantamount to a love potion, Nathan has an unexpected reaction and things get complicated from there.
Despite the fact that the EUReKA fandon is ripe for stories like this (you have to admit it), there aren't many such-and-such-made-them-do-it fics out there. Even so, this one doesn't disappoint. It's humorous, in character, and best of all the author doesn't fall into the trap of making it an angst-fest, with much crying and self-doubt. No, the entire tone of this story is lighthearted and stays that way no matter the situation. It's a good read if you want something to laugh/smile about.
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3- End]