Title: Parental Guidance
Fandom: Due South
Pairing: Fraser/Kowalski
Categories: humor, fluff
Length: medium
Warnings: n/a
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bayleaf Review:
When RayK's mom starts hinting that it's time for Ray to start dating again, he succumbs to desperation and tells her that he's dating someone. Which he's not. But she takes his words to heart and starts trying to figure out exactly who he could be dating. Of course, we all know who Ray spends most of his time with.
Also? Fraser spends a lot of time being *really* focused on curling.
I've been reading a lot of long, angsty epics, so this was a real treat. Fraser and Ray are wonderfully in character, Ray's parents are awesome beyond words, and the entire plotline is so cute I want to just cuddle it to death. Plus you have humor and Diefenbaker being, well, Diefenbaker. Highly recommended for anyone who is in need of a mood lifter.
Parental Guidance