Title: the Fabulousman series
Fandom: From Eroica With Love
Pairing: Klaus/Dorian
Categories: Action, Crack, Humor, Pre-slash, and (depending on your opinion) parody and AU
Length: Medium [between all the drabbles written pre-January, ~12,000 words. But there's more now!]
Warnings: None
Author on LJ:
mosellegreen Website:
Belladonna Summary: Meteors crash into Earth, and whoever gets hit gains amazing superpowers. Of course, when Eroica is hit, Hilarity Ensues.
Review: If you know Eroica, then you need no further encouragement. If you don't... hmmm. From Eroica With Love is/was a manga series written & drawn in the height of the Cold War, featuring a gay-and-proud-of-it aristocratic British thief [Dorian of Gloria, alias Eroica] and a grumpy aristocratic West German NATO Intelligence Major [Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach]. Hey, they're both aristocrats - so much in common already! Er, not really. Eroica irritates Klaus to hell and back, and Klaus constantly threatens and/or punches Eroica. They are sometimes rivals ("who will get the classified reports first?") and sometimes working together, by order or because the Russians are their mutual enemy. Within a few volumes, Eroica professes his love for Klaus, and he gets shot down - then, and every other time. The fandom tends to think that the Major doth protest too much. Those (few) fans who aren't looking for Ho-Yay can still enjoy the series as a light-hearted spy comedy.
In Fabulousman, the aforementioned meteors happen, and those with powers band together. Major Eberbach is unwillingly made a part of the new "good" superheroes' group. Not having been struck, he has no powers, but that never stopped Klaus from kicking ass before, and he tends to think the heroes are incompetant civilians, anyway. Dorian has the broadest range of powers in the group, and is thus one of the leaders... but that doesn't make him any better at catching Klaus' attention. At least, not for a while. But they do get to do some wacky crimefighting in the meantime! There are some serious moments, but most of the stories are just good fun. {My personal favorite drabble? The one about getting Klaus a hero name.} As a plus, there are many illustrations, too.
the Fabulousman fics