The Dark Side by astolat (R)

Aug 02, 2007 08:42

Title: The Dark Side
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: McKay/Sheppard
Categories: AU, fluff
Length: Medium
Warnings: none

Author on LJ:
Website: Intimations

This is about as close as I'm ever going to come to reccing a Star Wars fic: Rodney McKay as a Jedi and John Sheppard as a Darth...whatever they're called.

Through some exceedingly questionable delegating, jedi!Rodney is sent off to save a planet that's being sucked dry by darth!John and it takes approximately half a second for Rodney to get captured. He barters some repair work on John's ship in exchange for his freedom, and lo and behold, fluff ensues. It's pretty awesome. In fact, the only thing that would be more awesome would be an added scene where Rodney throws down with Yoda. Now that's something I'd *pay* to see.

The Dark Side

genre: au, fandom: stargate atlantis, genre: fluff, genre: science fiction, recs by jane, pairing: mckay/sheppard, length: medium

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