Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, folks! It's crossover week here at
epic_recs and it's your (and our) chance to introduce your fellow fanfic reader to stories that 'combine as much fandom love in one shot as possible'. How many fandoms can you really fit into one fic? The more the merrier, of course ;p
Things to keep in mind:
-Recced stories can be any length
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Zen and the Art of Chopstick Mutilation by Claire and Temaris.
Stargate SG-1/The X-Files. Krycek/Daniel, Jack/Daniel. Daniel wanders in for a seminar at the 23rd Annual Bad Guys (tm) Convention.
One In the Play of Many by Salieri (troyswann)
Stargate SG-1/DaVinci's Inquest. Jack/Daniel. There's a case that's making no sense to the Vancouver PD and Coroner's Office, not made any easier when some US Air Force types and a general with a classified record sweep in.
Memory's Muse by Starblade.
Stargate SG-1/MacGyver A chance encounter in a coffee shop resurfaces some buried memories for Jack.
Puzzle Pieces by Lady Ra
Stargate SG-1/The Sentinel. Jack/Daniel, Blair/Jim. When Jack and Blair travel through the quantum mirror they find the Daniel and Jim they were meant to know.
Mona Lisa Box by tzzzz
Stargate: Atlantis AU/Sarah Connor Chronicles. John/Rodney. John is a T-990, sent back to protect Rodney, a musician and scientist, who was one of the creators of Skynet.
Where Did All the Physics Go? by Amireal ( ... )
Thank you :)
Summer House
Shore Leave
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