jane_elliot :
Title: The Courtship of Harry Potter
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Snape
Categories: AU, romance, Harlequin, virgin!fic
Length: Epic
Warnings: not HBP compliant
Author on LJ:
dkwilliams Website: Review:
The latest DADA teacher at the school (appropriately named Spindley-Worme) announces to Snape that he intends to seduce Harry through a Wizarding tradition based on Greek pederasty. After a bit of prodding from Dumbledore, Snape decides to throw his hat into the ring as well and poor Harry, who had no idea such a tradition existed, doesn't know *what* to do next.
It took me a long time to read this fic, because I totally misunderstood the premise -- I thought it was about young men forced to contract themselves in a sexual relationship to older men. In other words, I thought it was a story about sexual slavery and it's not (though it's all too easy to see how the contract could be abused that way). The key here is choice: Harry has the choice to turn down all of his suitors (though they can bug him until he turns twenty, which is annoying but not unbearable) or to consider some or all of them. So, if you are as touchy about non-con as I am, don't worry: there is nothing forced in this fic.
What you *do* have are plenty of courting rituals (I have to admit, I have a weakness for courting rituals), lots of rule bending by Snape and Harry (leading to some hot snogging in the hallways), Snape being sneaky and yet more honest than he realizes, Hermione being supportive and perceptive, and Harry being all kinds of awesome. Really, the best part of this story is how Harry grows through the story, from a confused kid to a young adult who is both ready and able to take charge of his life. Harlequin romance at its best.
The Courtship of Harry Potter