Feb 29, 2012 22:43
Just some things that have been bugging me of late:
1. Is there any author out there who uses some or all of a canonical character's name as a handle that doesn't suck?
2. Have you ever seen any variation of "or so he thought" in a summary or story and have the story not be a grammatical disaster?
3. Has there ever been any clause in any sentence ever that began with "for" and was not either a) awkward or b) telling instead of showing?
4. Why is there no BDSM fic these days where the BDSM stays in the bedroom? (Not that there's anything wrong with BDSM universe stories, except that they aren't my cup of tea and lots of the longest fics in new fandoms are BDSM universe stories. Also, dammit, I'm feeling cranky and selfish.)
5. Why do people consistently use words they don't actually know how to spell? (In a totally "random" example: "taut" is an adjective that describes something that has been stretched until it's tight; "taught" is the past tense of the verb "teach".)
6. In that same vein, "loose" is an adjective that describes something not bound together, while "lose" is a verb that means to be unable to find something. If you can't tell them apart, use lose all of the time. Lose is far more commonly used in the English language than loose, so you have a much better chance of getting the word right by just sticking with lose.
7. I did mention I was feeling cranky today, didn't I?
general topics,
rants by jane