Dec 13, 2009 21:50
Can't really put this all in italics, as that would ruin the formatting of the notes themselves. So, the note begins here...
Arthur/Merlin. Obviously, if you don't like it, don't read it. And just to be clear, these are two MALES. Homophobics are not welcome. Evolve. Use a condom and get over the old societies morals. 21ST CENTURY LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! With high definition and surround sound. :)
Yes, I'm aware I'm a gigantic smart ass.
Author's Note: This is going to be a two or three shot. Not completely sure yet. I was going to have this longer, but I wanted to get it up before I go sit in a car for 15 or so hours tomorrow driving to Panama City, FL from VA Beach. Road Trip vacations with my mother, doesn't that just sound like a teenage daughter's dream come true? (Note Sarcasm.) Kill me now. Anyway, you don't really care. NO ACTUAL SMUT IN THIS FIRST CHAPTER, but read it anyway. THE BUILD UP WILL BE WORTH IT. Promise?
Also, first Merlin Fanfiction and it's written with very little sleep behind it, so sorry if you find it a little OOC.
Rating: M - To be safe. Semi-Sexual stuff. But no smut, yet. (Next Chapter? Pretty sure.) Also, kinda dark, but not really.
Please actually read all that? Sorry it's long. :/
Love you guys.
...and is now over. All I'm going to say is: if you're going to write pornography, maybe you shouldn't advertise the fact that you're actually not old enough to legally read what you're writing. Just a suggestion.
fandom: merlin,
wall of shame