Scans_Daily gone?

Feb 28, 2009 16:17

Since I've found Scans_Daily about three or four years ago I've been a stoic follower of the community. It's a great place for comics, period. It's also responsible for almost every comic book I buy. Mainly, because not only does scans_daily provide recommendations and humorous discussions about comic books from comic book readers, but it also gives a chance to get a glimpse at a series real content. Most companies' previews provide the first few pages, which frankly, rarely give a good idea of what the book is about or a real reason to buy it. That's what is great about scans_daily. Another user can pick a few scenes and say, "This is the essence of the book, this is why you need to buy it."

This post from Scans_Daily mod schmevil breaks down the options and directions to new communities.


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