First, let me just say that I am so sick of the ongoing monsoon-like conditions of the Tri-State Area. I know there's no use in complaining about this stupid weather, BUT GOD DAMN am I sick of the thunderstorms and downpours and the like. Oh and the ridiculous humidity. That sucks.
The Ongoing Job Search of Epic Fail is still going on and still pretty much failing. One of the job listings I'm looking at right at this moment needs me to submit my salary requirements in my cover letter. I don't really know what my salary requirements are other than "WHATEVER YOU WANT TO PAY ME." I'm not expecting a lot in terms of salaries, really.
I also sent in my resume to an employment agency (which I didn't really want to do), except that this agency is only for jobs with non-profits. And since I would greatly prefer working for a non-profit rather than a corporation, I figured why not. Plus even if I get just a temp job, it's better than no job and I would earn some money and maybe some actual experience.. And while I still don't have a job, THE AGENCY ACTUALLY CALLED ME. I was shocked because I have gotten so used to sending my resume to where ever and then, you know, never hearing back from them ever again. So I have to go down to their office in Manhattan on Tuesday and do an interview. However, I am not getting my hopes up, since the theme of my quest for a job is FAIL.
Oh, and look at this comforting list: So, what I'm getting from this is that there are no jobs in NYC and I have to move to DC. TERRIBLE WORK, NEW YORK.
I'm just going listen to Vampire Weekend and just apply to random jobs that will never respond to my terrible lack of skills.