
Nov 03, 2008 09:41

Gah! I registered for classes for MY LAST SEMSTER AT COLLEGE! Here's what I am taking:

Art 404- The New York Skyscraper. (Basically, you walk around the city and the class is supposed to be really interesting.)
Engl 253- Masterworks of American Lit: Road Narratives & The Routes of American Literature. (I added this class randomly because I was informed by my advisor that I need to take 4 classes to count as a full time student and for insurance purposes.)
Soc 308- Juvenile Delinquency. (Sociology elective)
Soc 416- Seminar in Sociology. (Required Senior Seminar)

Hopefully next (my last!) semester will go well!

Totally unrelated, but I went ice skating on Saturday. Kim came to visit, and I was totally in the mood to ice skate, since I haven't do it in forever. Although when Kim got here, I was kind of regretting making that plan, since I was exhausted/slightly hungover from Halloween and Shilelagh Law the night before (I ended up going to the show. It was wonderful!). But I decided to continue with our plan, and it worked out. We went to Bryant Park. And it was about 62 degrees and we ended up skating in our tshirts. I love ice skating, even though my legs were really sore after. I need to go again soon.

school, friends

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