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My name is daniel and i am most likley bored right now so feel free and IM me. my aim sn is ClevRXscreename. i like to make people around me happy and whenever possible i chill on my roof(i am now located in a place where sitting on your roof isent a good idea :(...) and wonder what will roll along into my life next, im waiting for somthing self defining to happen but its not and i just want somone that i can hold for hours and tell her that i never want her to change.for now i will just submit to my ordinary life.(NOT ANYMORE!!!)I never saw snow, never flew in a plane(Did that), never been to a zoo and never ate tofu. i love meeting new people and am open minded about everyones personalities.(unless your pushy and unpersonable. or especially not if you dont have respect for yourself, thats my general annoyance) Im a somewhat sarcastic individual but its all in joking. I have fun whenever the oppertunity comes and i have been single for quite some time.. I also love watching movies. Im a philosopher and do most of my thinking more often than not.
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Dating">">Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace">">MySpace Layouts
.. ..What is life?
Thinking thoughts frought with demons and angels with liknesses of all illusion. Having no compass rose to guide me to saftey without my eyes capturing its occurence. which leaves me to wander my inexperience into that trecherous expanse. what shall my life become, a great Alexadrian legacy or a shambles at which even untouchables scoff at. I have the ambition but do i have the will? The threat of failure looms over me like a vulture scoping out its future meal waiting for it to die below. I have the intelect to overcome and soar higher than any bird but will i grab that gift and mold it into what it can become. I take a journey and choose a road not often ventured upon and find myself gazing up at golden picturesque trees and its influence on the road before me and i take in the fence boardering my path and see a hole. a single passage that leads away from the clear and inevitable future. a hole which can exceed my wildest imaginations. The field, however, which is beyond that fence is brown and has far more obsticles than desired. It has no illusion of space. Its expanse is far reaching beyond the limit of sight and will, if not respected, engulf ones self into an abyss of misfortune. I gaze upon this hole in the wooden fence and chuckle and make my way down the leaf laiden street and think to myself "Do I really want to be so selfish as to pass up this oppurtunity in exchange for a simpler and less interesting life of easy task and mundane activity or do i want to set a standard for all to remember?" with a chuckle and a skepticle gaze i venture towards the hole and look out and see a shadowless expanse with rolling hills like ocean waves cradling trees at the crest's as if they were ships sailing towards a new world, my skepticle gaze soon turns into ambition and i am off into this frontier. Walking these lands which i had envyed from afar for far too long made me realize how stupid i couldeve been. The thoughts of demons and angels had soon subsided into far more complex thoughts of future relationships and romances, gambles and emotions, as well as education and funds.with a compass in my grasp and a map in my view i look upon the world in a new light, not skewed by trees setting upon me an illusion of changing seasons but of a sun destined to shine another day and greet me at my awakening and leave me in replacment of a somber and peaceful moon, and this thought pleases me.