ugh, so cute

Apr 04, 2008 04:19

OMG, I just made myself a brand new layout and I love it so much I had to post about it. So here I am. Posting about it. Even thought it's 4:00 in the morning and I should be sleeping. ANYWAY.

Oh, I also put up a new link in the profile; it's to my deviant art account where I posted the first chapter of a fanfiction I wrote for a contest in the fall/winter. Over at pottersues. It was the first time I ever wrote fanfiction (I tend to stick with my own characters, it's easier. And no one can accuse you of making a character behave abnormally) and it was pretty fun. From the deviant art account you can get to the page where I originally posted the story. All of this is useless information, but it's 4 am, I'm allowed to babble. I thought about posting the story here instead of deviant art, but I thought that'd be awkward. Maybe I'll do it anyway and "delete" the DA account.

I don't have enough icons to make an icon dump as of yet. I haven't really made icons in a super long time. I make a lot of freaking banners, though, yeesh.

useless information, layouts

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