Well, it finally happened. I went and got me an affiliate! Funny how that happens, right? Here I was just engorging myself on pumpkin pie and an affiliate just drops in my lap.
Anyway, unless you have been living under a rock in the Sailormoon iconing world, you are well aware of the awesomeness that is
mizugazipan. A community run by the lovely
mizugazipan features banners, layouts, icons and more for the discerning user. And no, much like me, she doesn't always have just Sailormoon business. We have had many a conversation regarding superheroes and our newfound common interest: writing fantasy.
So check out some sweet Mizu action. There will be no need to thank me for introducing you to greatness.
If you liked that moment of extreme brown-nosing, feel free to ask me to affiliate with your community. Maybe if I get more than one, I'll make an affiliate post or something. And new affiliates get a sweet banner like that one, which they can do whatever they want with.