Jun 07, 2007 02:16
I’ve been fighting for my dreams all my life; and what a fight I fight. What new battle I face every day is unknown to me but I do know I must do all I can do become stronger from it and not die. I, myself, am the dream I must fight for, but moreover, the life I wish to live within the next few years and the people I attach myself to that become not only an us but an unbreakable we. So close is the end coming yet its true end will never exist. My dream is to conquer all that makes people sad from day to day - a fight I fight that is unfathomable - and protect all that is good.
I’ve been feeling this because I feel really lonely right now, even though there will always be someone to talk to. I just would desire so much to talk to Wei. It’s always a girl that causes so much loneliness. All whom I never ask to be close to, they just… appear. Right now is my true test of patience even though… even though… it is inevitable to me that we shall-. I can’t type it, it’s too much pain.