Feb 07, 2006 20:33
“Buy a rifle and scope and you can snipe possessed villagers from a distance (if you shoot enemies from afar, they’ll drop their dynamite and it will explode and destroy them).”
“Finding new merchants will present you with new allies and give you access to new items (specific merchants will sell specific items, so finding as many merchants as possible is crucial to your success). Merchants in the village will sell you items when other villagers aren’t watching.”
That was on the box of the PS2 version of RE4, which really fucking sucked. The graphics looked like ass, or maybe that was because they lied about pro-scan ability. Yup, I got me a game pass thingy at Cocksucker Video, and I totally fucking owned God of War. I beat that bitch on God mode, which I had heard was supposed to be really hard, but actually wasn't shit (except for that one part, which was damn near impossible)! And if you call 1-800-613-8840, you can hear the world's lamest message known to man. It's actually kind of sad. Anyways, now I've got Ninja Gaiden, and hopefully that'll be even harder. Super-impossible action/fighting games is my latest genre obsession. It's too bad they're all so fun. I could be doing something useful with my time, but noooooo! Dammit.
Part two of the Samurai Fest was rad as well, and there were even more people this time. It was too bad that I was so damn tired, since I woke up at 12:00am after sleeping 3 hours! But it was great, especially Throne of Blood, which is now one of my favorite Kurosawa films (Rashomon I'm still not too crazy about, but I guess I'm retarded like that). And this dude that found me on the computer from UAH went too. It turns out I'm not the only person in this town with totally awesome taste in films, which is almost unbelievable! But I didn't get to introduce myself, which sucked. Oh well. I must now travel back to my dad's so I can get the cable to bust out the Ninja Gaiden. Monkey donkey.