I have better / more important things to do, but clearly that's not happening!

Mar 09, 2006 18:58

Basic Rules:
The first player of this "game" starts with the topic and people who get tagged need to write an LJ entry about their 5 quirky habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next 5 people to be tagged and list their names.

My Quirky Habits

1. Sudoku. I have to out-sudoku people or I feel like they have a better analytical engine than me =/
2. Warhammer. Need I say more?
3. Limes for breakfast. Nothing like eating a lime on the way to work, or in 1st period class..
4. dont let my joints burn funny. or ill take it away from you. im serious. i cant stand to let a joint (one ive rolled above all) burn irregularily. *shudders at the thought*
5. I keep falling for beautiful, fucked up women :)
but I think most guys with a head on their shoulders and heart do this, so it doesnt really count
5b. did i mention warhammer?
5c. Cooking. I get anal in the kitchen, just ask gox (sounds really funny and imma leave it like that ^_^)

I Tag: Brian, Arun, Simon, Frank and Lindsay!

go to hack to some virtuoso power metal being played for some pro-palestinian demonstration in vari hall. 2 horns up for metal!! in the process, made a new math/logic/philosophy/metal/hack buddy in 1st year from the town of Maple, ON.
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