lost control and i think i like it

Jan 30, 2005 16:22

How to make a epherema

1 part competetiveness

3 parts humour

3 parts energy
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Add a little sadness if desired!

Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

the weather is beautiful today. it was all sunny and warm during the day, i was actually able to have a smoke outside in just my sweater. what a treat

so ive decided that this primerica job opprotunity is bunk; i dont have the time or energy to start a financial business anytime soon.

so yeah and on another note it turns out im an inconsiderate thoughtless disrespectul partner. not the first time ive heard that but i always like to think that its the last lol. i tell myself 'with great power comes great responsibility'. i am ready to step up into a relationship? i already have, so i have to get my shit together and stop doing things that can be so hurtful to the one one cares for ever so much.

ive always had an issue with violating people's trust. the hendrix song 'castles made of sand' comes to mind... but thats a lil pessimistic.
i really respect people who cant lie and whos word is bondage. i see it as integrity, and thats somethign i want people to see in me

i want the loved ones in my life to be able to trust me and to rely on me. im a big fuckoff with my own agenda and no one can fully depend on me to be there as long as that is true. the foundation of my tower of trust is beleiving in myself, and trusting myself. but i lie to myself and let myself down all the time (quitting smoking, ect), knowingly, and that is just seeping into my external world and its coming out in my interactions with others.
lol that was a mouthful
it would be nice to be able to say 'ill always be there for you' and have a grain of truth to it.. a long road to travel but i can take the first step
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