a perfect saturday

Nov 04, 2006 18:46

so today was a lovely, sunny saturday. after spending a riotous and enjoyable friday night with some botany buddies at the pub, i took the luxury of sleeping in very late this morning. after some lounging, talking to mom and bill, i went and did the weekly grocery shop and wine purchase. this was followed by more lounging, some eating, and some sewing (!); all to the highly amplified soundtrack of dana's newest mix cd (thank you, darling). one housemate is in the UK, the other is away for the weekend with her boytoy. i have the house to myself! what joy!

then i went shopping. i love my neighborhood for all the wonderful things you can find here. i went to polyester records and spent hours filing through the shelves. it's my new favourite place. i found daedelus' newest album: denies the day's demise ($34.95! but not available anywhere online. trust me, i looked. sigh...).

(daedelus, left and dana's, right)

after more wandering, i found T2 - my local tea emporium. you girls would understand how wonderful this place is. $24 later, i have some gorgeous orange pekoe (don't laugh, canada's commonest tea doesn't otherwise exist here. i had a hankering.) and some herbal detox tea (my tummy's been unfriendly lately).

so instead of me coming home in 19 months, how about all of you move here with me? you'll love it! i promise! and i can't stay here without my girls (clearly). think about it and we'll discuss over christmas (i'm kidding. sort of...).
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