I do - I love my current place of residence.
The people I live with here are amazing and I thank
the world every day for bringing me here.
I find this little wonder so very inspirational,
which lead me to want to once again share my life
with people through pictures.
Because of my love for where I live and the things we do here,
I decided to put up albums on both facebook and myspace
(flickr soon to follow).
The above photo is one of the ones I included on both social sites.
For some reason or another Myspace deemed this image
"too violent" because they have users under the age of 13
who use the site.
This is not the first time my photography has been "too violent"
for Myspace - but I'll admit that maybe an image of my friend
getting his skin sliced off (literally) is a little too intense
for many of the users.
However, I don't understand how the above image is considered
inappropriate and liable to have my account "deleted".
I shrugged and renamed and re-uploaded the file with a caption
"this is not a needle - this is a measuring device - erin is giving
this chicken medication".
So now I'm going to wait and see how Myspace responds.
Still ... they are doing a really good job of keeping
me from wanting to be a part of their "network".