Title: Normal (tentative title, because nothing else really worked, not that this really does either)
Pairing: none; gen fic
Rating: G (OMG did I just write something RATED G?!)
Summary: Dean speculates on living a normal live with marriage and babies.
It wasn’t something he ever took notice of before; he never stopped to see or to try and imagine what it might be like. He never thought of normal because he never needed it before - or convinced himself that he didn’t, that he could be perfectly happy hunting for the rest of his life. Now, he sat there next to Sam, watching a woman at the Café across the street breast-feeding her baby; he’d have said something rude or crass before, but somehow things have changed, and he’s not so sure it’s a bad thing. So he says “When we find it; when we kill it, Sammy… It’s over; no more hunting.” Sam doesn’t look surprised, not really, like he knew all along that deep down Dean wanted to stop hunting someday and had just been waiting for this moment. So Sam just looked at him and Dean looked down at his hands. “I can’t do this - not forever, Sammy. I want… I want a house, and I want to get…married.” Sam smiles and Dean punches him in the arm. “I want to have kids.”
“Me too,” Sam says smiling. “It’s human nature, Dean.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I guess… I guess I do want normal, whatever that means - or at least as normal as I can get.” Sam smiles, and Dean smiles.
“You gonna name your first kid Dean Jr?”
“Shut up,” Dean laughs and punches Sam in the arm again.