Sep 06, 2011 05:03
So, today my girlfriend and I were called out of our classes to go to student services and have administrators tell us that it is "inappropriate" to kiss each other in public. One of the administrators told me that it had nothing to do with the fact that we're both girls- apparently they do this with heterosexual couples too-, while the other just sat there with her arms folded and looked pissed off and made remarks about how improper we'd been.
Except all the heterosexual couples around the school are far worse than we are- everyone agrees with this. My girlfriend and I hug each other and kiss for no more than a second or two. Nothing else. Whereas many others are attached all the time, make out during lunch and are rumoured to have had sex in corners and bathrooms. Hell, even this time last year I was worse with my boyfriend at the time than I am with my girlfriend, and no one complained.
At the same time, they told my girlfriend (we were called in separately) that they hadn't had to do this with any couples since the beginning of the year, so one would think that, with all the raging hormones puddling on the floor from everyone else, we must have done something particularly heinous to receive a warning.
We can't really prove anything- there's the slimmest chance that someone stepped outside for the first time the entire year and we were the couple they happened to see, which meant they went "AUGHHH OMG PEOPLE KISS WHAT THE HELL" but that doesn't seem to be case, especially with the second administrator's hostile behaviour. I wouldn't be surprised if she was the one who reported us.
It just bothers me that the school is now asking me to restrict my behaviour more than I have already, but when the school made me read books that triggered me and caused me to have emotional breakdowns, was I given the voice to complain? I am vaguely reminded of how, last year, when being harassed by my literature teacher (ie. being constantly thrown out of class for no reason), my opinions and all the emotional distress it caused me were disregarded and I was told to just stop doing whatever was pissing her off (which was existing, apparently) until they moved me out of the class.
This place is ridiculous, so we've decided that the school can go fuck itself- there's only a few full school days left, they can suck it up. :D
Another small story- my girlfriend and I were in the city and we walked past a pair of women. One of them gave us a thumbs up and said "us too!" and kissed her partner on the cheek. It was adorable. <3