Nov 05, 2006 00:36
My grandmother's surgery went well on Friday. For those not in the know, my grandmother is one of the sweetest, most generous and loving people I've ever been blessed enough to meet. She's an eighty-one year old diabetic, and got a severe case of cellulitis in one of her feet. For those further not in the know, diabetics have to be especially careful with any sort of injury to their extremities, can lead to especially bad things due to neuropathy, etc. So she didn't tell anyone for about two weeks, giving it time to get good and rotting, for lack of a better word. We put her on aggressive antibiotic therapy for a few weeks, hoping that would take care of it, but on Friday, they opened her foot up and did a bone scrape until they saw healthy bone. Hopefully this will be the end of it, and she won't have to have anything more extreme done. We were all terrified she was going to lose her foot. Which still isn't out of the question, we're all just praying we got it in time. Please keep her in your thoughts, if you're of that persuasion.
In other news, Fox and Bear managed to wiggle-worm through the dryer vent, unbeknownst to me, to go on an adventure under the house, before escaping through the utility hatch to the back yard. It isn't unlike them to find a warm nook of the house and fall asleep, so while their absence was noted, I didn't really think anything of it for the first hour or two. Lily and I went out to have a cigarette, and Fred, our neighbor, was outside pacing up and down the inside of his fence, looking agitated.
"Your.... your things are out," he explained, gesturing. "There's a girl trying to catch them."
Luckily, it was our friendly neighborhood hooker. Whilst working in the narrow strip of trees and shrubberies behind my house, she spotted my ferret happily exploring the terrain, and kept an eye on him until I ran around back and called him over. Bear is the biggest pussy alive, and was still under the house, looking around wide-eyed through the crack in the utility door. For a day or two I was really nervous, because both of them need the last of their series of distemper shots, and there are Always loose dogs running around here. But a week later they both seem fine and healthy, so I guess we got lucky. Anyway, Nicole helped me catch the boys, so I paid her with cigarettes and we sat outside on the porch and talked for a while.
She explained that she's addicted to crack cocaine and that turning tricks is the only way she cab pay for it. Lily says that only a Capricorn could be so straightforward. I keep forgetting to ask Nicole what her sign is to see if Lil's prediction is right.
So, Aaron waited until we were at work one day, and moved his few belongings out without notice, the day before rent was due. Kent was supposed to move in, but Aaron never gave us an answer about whether he was staying or leaving, so poor Kent had to make a decision and found someplace else, so now we're slightly up shit creek. It'll be fine though, we've got a bunch of potential people coming by to take a look either this weekend or next week, so hopefully we'll find someone awesomely fantastic to live with that isn't a complete and utter douche. It'll be a nice change.
In other news, my brother spilled the beans tonight that he's getting me a new car stereo for Christmas, since mine broke a while back and all I can do is listen to the radio. Yay! Good brother, you get a cookie. Aw. <3
I fostered out Badger to a nice young family today. I gave them 200+ dollars worth of stuff for forty dollars. They're Katrina survivors, lost everything. Badger will be happier, because he is so jealous, and needs to be in a one ferret household. They are happy, because it would have been financially difficult to buy a ferret and all the accoutrements that they entail. Warm fuzzies all around, though I was a little more sad than expected to see Badge go. My boys. I have three now, which somehow seems a much more manageable number than four. Three is a good number. Fox is sitting in my lap while I write this, trying to lick the keys while I type. I really do need to take some pictures, he and Bear really are the most handsome ferrets I've ever seen, and I'm not just saying that because they're mine. They are my success stories; dumped pets, ill-treated and socially retarded, that have become the best ferrets in the world thanks to a little TLC and a few vet trips. Pictures, shortly, hopefully.