To quote my husband, "Every four years everyone thinks they're an armchair expert on politics. I signed up to get shot at for a few years for this country and I don't like any one of the candidates because they're all variations on a theme, and that theme is essentially, 'we're in power, we're going to stay in power, we're going to tax hard working Americans like you so people who have neither the will nor the desire to make something out of their lives can live for free.' Essentially, the theme is: Work hard, fuck you. And I don't support that."
Well said, hubby. Damn fucking straight.
Hillary and Obama's health plans are going to come out of our pockets. Oh, and taking away my Second Amendment rights - which both of them want to do - is something I'm not cool with. Hell no.
These days everyone wants something for nothing and the politicos think that if they give them that, they'll keep their jobs. I can't stand behind that.
Every four years it's the same damn circus. There's a lot of hoopla and little actually changes. The names and faces do, but the same shit keeps on going on. The rich get richer and the poor keep supporting them and getting poorer as they have the fuck taxed out of them. Ever live below the poverty line? I have. It sucks. Especially when you're in-between and can't afford medical, dental, or other care because while you're below the poverty line, you make too much for any assistance. It's a big gooddamn joke in many ways.
However, I'd love to see some change. In a comment I made to my last post, I referenced a quote by Thomasa Jefferson. The actual quote goes, "Every generation needs a new revolution." The man also said, wisely, "Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on offices, a rottenness begins in his conduct."
Actually, there are other great quotes by Jefferson and government that can be found
here If there were a candidate I could get behind, I'd vote for them. However, there isn't . . . despite what people may think in regard to my last post, I'm not a big fan of John McCain. I thought the speech he made was thought provoking. It was also great to see that it got people thinking and talking about politics, although it's definitely one-sided in a few ways.