Photographic Memories CH 2

May 14, 2009 22:15

I just want to briefly thank everyone who has been reading and commenting. I really do appreciate all of the encouraging words. You make it easier to write this awesome couple!

Title: Photographic Memories
Pairings: Yoochun/Changmin
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Slight Angst
Genre: Drama, Romance
A/N: I can already tell this will be too long for a One-Shot therefore I'm breaking it up into parts. I apologize for any confusion that may arise while reading. It should all make sense in the end.
Summary: Changmin's a Photographer who most want to save.

"The limo's a little excessive," Changmin comments as he looks out the tinted window into the darkness of night. He wonders how many people think he's a celebrity.

Yoochun chuckles softly beside him and adjusts his tie. "We should make an entrance," he states plainly and pulls a piece of lint from Changmin's shoulder. "You should appreciate my attempts to impress you a little more, Changmin," he hums airily.

Changmin feels his face fall into a grin as he looks over at Yoochun. He's ridiculously handsome in an exquisitely tailored black and white pin-stripped suit; he wears his black framed glasses and looks intelligent and respectable, qualities that Changmin can greatly appreciate. "I like the suit," he compliments and knows it's expensive. When Yoochun catches him staring he wants to smack the sly grin from his face.

"I like your body," he bites his lip boldly and grabs a glass of champagne. "Drink?"

Changmin accepts it and the glass feels cool against his warm fingers. "Just so you know," he drinks slowly, eyeing Yoochun carefully, "I'm not a vulnerable drunk," he adds and laughs when Yoochun's smiles falters but only momentarily.

"Don't flatter yourself, Changmin, it doesn't look good on you," he mumbles and finishes what's left in his glass just in time to stop in front of the hotel.

The driver gets out and almost finds himself smeared on the asphalt by an approaching car but makes it safely enough to open the door for Yoochun.

He grins with a sharp clap, "Let's do this," he sounds excited and makes his way out of the limousine.

Changmin smirks as he pulls out the small digital camera, tucked into his pocket, and takes a picture of his butt; he thinks he'll blow it up, frame it and send it to him on his birthday or at the very least use it for his next Christmas Cards.

The hotel is extravagant and the helpful staff guide them in the direction of the party. Before they enter the banquet hall Yoochun turns around quickly and looks worried for a moment.

"Do I look amazing?" he asks genuinely concerned as he fidgets.

Changmin smiles patiently down at him and puts his hands on his shoulders in reassurance. "You look amazing," he assures him and smacks the side of his head. "Your narcissism is truly remarkable," he adds and brushes his hands along his shoulders, straightening his collar and tie.

"You look amazing as well," Yoochun reaches up and brushes the hair from Changmin's eyes delicately, gazing momentarily in stopped time, where it's just the two of them, "amazing," he whispers and Changmin thinks it's possible he's stopped breathing. In a blink it's over and Yoochun smacks his butt. "You brought the invitation right?" he asks as they head toward the party.

Changmin wonders if the strong tug of his heart is disappointment, but will worry about it later as he slides his hand into the inside of his white jacket and pulls out the crisp elegant invitation Jaejoong took great care in choosing. "Of course," he says and hands it to Yoochun as he opens the door for him.

"My lady," he bows his head and sweeps his arm comically and Changmin wants to kick him.

"Shut up, Asshole."

The party Jaejoong throws for Yunho's 27th birthday is a stark contrast to the last one Changmin attended. Instead of pop-y house music there's an orchestra playing beautifully for the guests. Mini-skirts and tight pants are exchanged for elegant cocktail dresses and expensive suits. There are several round tables covered in beautiful linens, gorgeous flower centerpieces in the middle. Each setting of china has a folded over name tag and Changmin grins to himself in appreciation. Orchestrating parties is obviously a hidden talent of Jaejoong's.

"I'll get the drinks, you find our table," Yoochun whispers in Changmin's ear and disappears into the crowd, he watches him work through the maze of black and white evening wear and scans over countless unrecognizable faces before settling his eyes on Junsu who is smiling while conversing with a very beautiful girl.

"Ah, Changmin, you look dashing," Junsu stands up and pulls him into a quick embrace. "This is my girlfriend, Lyn," he smiles caringly and Changmin nods and takes her soft skin in his hand. "This is Changmin," he introduces.

"Ah, yes," she speaks demurely with a faint blush to her pale cheeks and Changmin immediately understands why Junsu has chosen her.

"I've heard so much about you," he smiles and pulls out the chair in front of his name tag.

They fall into pleasant conversation and she admits to knowing his work which Changmin smiles kindly in appreciation. He's taking a picture of the couple when Jaejoong approaches, looking absurdly handsome in an amazing black suit and silk white tie.

"You are incorrigible," he smiles as he sets his glass of wine on the table and pulls Changmin to his feet. "Let me look at you, you ridiculously attractive man," he says and makes him spin in a circle. "You look incredible," he asserts with joy.

Changmin bought the white suit while he stayed in Milan, working a fashion show. When he saw it on a pencil thin model walking down the runway, he asked the designer for a copy and almost kissed him when he promised to have it sent to his hotel room for a very generous price.

"This is really excellent," Changmin looks out into the mass of people laughing and talking, dancing in the middle of the room to the beautiful music. Jaejoong smiles down at him and tugs at his hand.

"Thank you," he says and looks around at the result of his hard work, "Yunho's happy with it, so I'm happy," he drinks from his wine and watches people over the rim of the glass. "I can see Yunho looking for me, I should go," he pats Changmin's shoulder before he leaves. "Please try and have a good time," he says like an afterthought and looks at him thoughtfully, "take a night off," he smiles, "no more pictures."

By the middle of the night Changmin has taken pictures of the center pieces, the ornate chandelier, the wonderfully prepared dinner and countless smiles and laughs of his friends. Jaejoong and Yunho spend most of their time talking to various guests; Yunho introduces him as his best friend and when the dancing starts Yunho and Jaejoong dance with beautiful ladies but share adoring glances over their slender shoulders as they pass each other. Junsu and Lyn hold hands and Changmin takes a picture when he catches Junsu kissing her naked shoulder as they dance, pressed close to each other.

He sits at the table watching people waltz when he hears the chair beside him pull out and a contemplative sigh.

"You're not having fun," Jaejoong's voice breaks his peace and Changmin turns his head to see his exhausted eyes.

Changmin tips the empty champagne glass slightly and quirks an apologetic smile. "I am having fun," he protests and takes a drink from Jaejoong's offered glass. "I prefer to obverse than interact," he laughs when Jaejoong twists his lips.

"Where's Yoochun?" he asks and looks around the room. Changmin points ahead to the harem of giggling ladies that circle protectively around a charismatic Yoochun who tries his best to impress them all with quick wit and perfectly timed jokes.

He can feel Jaejoong's disappointment but Changmin insists he's ok. "We are friends," Changmin says without apology as he watches him kiss the hand of a beautiful girl who blushes; he raises the camera to his eye and catches as his lips press tenderly to her skin. He has beautiful lips.

Jaejoong hums quietly beside him for a moment, "I though the two of you would be perfect," he frowns and the lines creased around his lips are petulant. "Well, I suppose I'll have to try again," he says and sounds happy, his almond eyes sparkling with excitement. "Now let's find you a gorgeous girl to dance with, that'll really piss him off," he laughs and pulls Changmin to his feet.

Despite that most of the evening Yoochun spent encased in an impenetrable ring of single ladies, Jaejoong's plan seemed to work quite brilliantly and after a few enjoyable dances with various willing ladies, Yoochun keeps to Changmin's side the rest of the night. Over many glasses of sweet champagne they talk about Yoochun's music and Changmin tells him about his family. He adores the soft laugh lines around his mouth when he smiles and gets rejected multiple times when Yoochun covers the camera with his hand, refusing to be his unpaid model.

By the end of the party Changmin feels the euphoric mixture of alcohol and sleep tugging at his eyes and shoulders.

"I need to go home," he says tiredly and hugs Jaejoong tightly, grinning when Jaejoong kisses his cheek quickly. He turns to Yunho, who aside from the pleasant buzz of many wine glasses, still manages to look handsome. "Happy birthday and thank you for inviting me," he says as he pulls him into a quick good bye hug. Yoochun watches and Changmin holds his gaze before pulling away and looking into Yunho's happy eyes.

"Thank you for coming and thank you for the gift," he grins.

"What gift?" Yoochun quietly glides up beside them, pulling Jaejoong in a quick hug.

Yunho looks at Changmin before answering, "Changmin has offered to take portraits of Jaejoong and me," he answers and Jaejoong casually wraps his arm around Yunho's shoulders.

"Nude portraits?" he cocks his eyebrow and looks deadly handsome.

"Absolutely not," Changmin laughs and feels Yoochun grab his hand, giving it a little tug.

"We should go, it's late. Great party, Jaejoong, you should do mine next," Yoochun waves with a grin and whistles for Junsu's attention and yells goodbye.

Changmin rolls his eyes as they make their way out, stumbling a little bit. "He's so tacky," he mutters and winks when Jaejoong and Yunho laugh.

Yoochun, who seems virtually unaffected by his night of drinking, sits quietly in the limo looking out the window, past the whizzing lights of the passing scenery.

"What's wrong?" Changmin asks through closed eyes, when he opens them his heart seems to skip a beat as Yoochun stares directly at him.

"It's too bad Yunho and Jaejoong have to hide their relationship," he says thoughtfully.

Changmin shifts to get conformable and sighs and tries desperately not to fall asleep to the dull lull of the moving car. "It's understandable," he yawns, "they both have respectable careers. It happens," he replies and moves over on the seat; he settles against Yoochun and leans into him as his eyes fall closed. After a few moments he opens his eyes and looks up at his grinning face. "Do not attempt to molest me," he warns seriously and snickers when he feels the discreet shake of his laughter under him.

"You're lame," he shoves him a little and cries out when Changmin elbows him in the stomach.

It doesn't take long before the limo pulls up to Yoochun's apartment and the driver steps out and opens the door for them. They walk to his apartment in comfortable silence; Changmin looks over and discreetly watches the way Yoochun's lips part as he breathes, the soft curve of his cheek bone and the way his hair curls against his ear. He opens the door and closes it behind Changmin who feels a little too intoxicated to drive home comfortably.

"Can I sleep here?" he asks through a yawn and watches through heavy lids as Yoochun pulls at his neck tie and finds himself completely hypnotized as he watches him pull his jacket off, leaving Yoochun in a snug fitting vest that molds exquisitely around his body.

"Of course," he says deeply and Changmin raises his eyes at the mischievous smile that graces his handsome face, "I'll prepare the bed."

Before he walks away Changmin grabs his arm. "Hold it," he stops him abruptly and pulls him back again trying to focus, also trying to calm the beating of his heart. "Don't you have another room?" he asks and Yoochun laughs pulling from his grasp, tossing his tie aside.

"Yes," he answers and motions to the other side of the apartment but before Changmin can move, Yoochun steps towards him, his eyes predatory and black, "but none of my guests have ever needed to use it," he says hotly and he smells intoxicatingly like champagne and rich cologne.

Changmin breathes loudly through his nose and eventually pushes him away, "There's a first time for everything," he moves away and heads for the guest room. "Good night."

"Would you like some company?" Yoochun calls out as he walks away from him and Changmin laughs to himself as he shuts the door behind him.

The room is modestly decorated in modern chic trimmings, the bed looks comfortable and from the window Changmin can see the park across the street. There's a picture of Yoochun on the wall and another above the bed with watchful eyes that follow him around the room. It makes him uneasy as he peels off his jacket and sets it neatly over a black leather chair in the corner of the room. He pulls at his tie while reading a framed poem and when he's unbuttoning his shirt there's a knock at the door. Changmin looks over questioningly before opening it and laughing when he sees a green facial mask swallowing Yoochun's skin.

"My god, you look terrible," he leans against the doorframe while Yoochun stares silently at the flash of skin peeking under the unbuttoned dress shirt. Changmin smirks and crosses his arms over his chest. "Can I help you?" he asks curiously.

Yoochun blinks and clears his throat before looking up at Changmin, collecting himself. "I'm lonely," he pouts and looks into the room and tries to enter but Changmin blocks him.

"You live alone," Changmin cocks his eyebrow, "Wanna try again?"

Yoochun bites his lips and shifts his eyes for a moment; Changmin imagines the over worked wheels moving in his brain. "It's cold and I read some where in some very intelligent magazine that body heat is the best way to stay warm," he grins very slowly and Changmin feels it a little difficult to swallow, "I have a body, you have a body. Let's get warm," his eyes match the beautiful grin as he pushes Changmin into the room and enters.

Changmin throws him out just as quickly. "I appreciate the attention, but I really need to sleep and you should probably take a cold shower, and get that shit off your face, you're scary," he says with a smile. "Now, no more. Go to your room," he orders and can't help but laugh as Yoochun drags his feet down the hall, grumbling something about it being his apartment.

When he turns out the light and rests his swimming mind against the soft pillow, his phone hums to life and he answers it tiredly.

"The offer still stands." Yoochun's voice is deep and sultry and Changmin shivers under the warm blankets.

"Go to sleep, pervert," he growls and hangs up. He falls asleep to the sound of Yoochun's laughter in his ears.

When Changmin was in his last year of high school he met David, an American whose family moved to Korea for business purposes. He was beautiful with round sapphire eyes and blond hair washed in sunshine. He was the complete opposite, hot tempered and admirably outgoing. They were in the same English class and while Changmin had the top marks in the class David seemed to think school was a joke.

Changmin fell in love with him almost instantly. His friends and family warned him about David, no one liked him, they felt he played games and sometimes Changmin believed them. But as they lay in the grass, Changmin zooming in and capturing a secret smile, thick blond lashes and loving eyes, he told him he loved him.

After graduation David went to college in New York. At the airport he hugged him tight and promised to make it work, promised to never forget him, that he'd call and write every day.

A month later he called to tell him he met someone else.

Changmin cried as he watched the photos burn with his heart but kept the one of the day he told him he loved him.

Junsu invites him to lunch; they sit talking quietly in the Peruvian inspired deli and enjoy their lunch.

"Jaejoong is adamant you and Yoochun belong together," Junsu says, changing the mood of their conversation and Changmin looks at him blankly. Junsu watches him carefully, gauging his response.

Changmin takes a drink of his ice water, "Jaejoong needs to stop playing matchmaker," he says and leans back in his chair. "We are friends," he explains.

Junsu nods and picks at his salad. "And yet, I think there's something there," he smiles effortlessly and Changmin appreciates the kindness of his eyes. "You've got walls, I understand," he nods, "Yoochun is complicated too."

Yoochun is more than complicated Changmin thinks looking at his plate. He's overbearingly flirtatious but every once in a while shares the most breathtaking smiles that burn his heart and it's so vulnerable Changmin wants to lock it away and protect it.

"I don't think Yoochun knows what he wants," Changmin speaks slowly, "I know what I want, I just haven't found it," he explains and drums his fingers against the table top, looking out the large window; people pass by them and occasionally he waves to a child who grins cheekily through the glass.

"When you can look me in the eye as you say that, I'll believe you," Junsu says seriously and his eyes are thoughtful and most importantly understanding.

Changmin decides after his photo shoot to do some shopping. He calls Jaejoong but he's busy with a new talent who's bawling after getting her first rejection. Junsu is having dinner with Lyn and Yunho is working late. He tries to remember anyone else who he can call before resigning to the last person, the person who's been occupying almost every thought of everyday, who pisses him off but makes him laugh harder than anyone ever has.

Changmin sighs and looks at his phone frightened when it starts ringing in the middle of his hand.


Changmin looks up at the ceiling and wonders if God is playing games with him.

"It's funny that just now, right this second, I had the sudden urge to call you. Weird," Yoochun speaks casually and the sounds of the busy life of night time roar unapologetically in the background. "So-" he suddenly yells at someone to watch where they're driving and Changmin laughs quietly, grabbing his camera bags and laptop. "Sorry, fucking drivers think they own the goddamn road," he mumbles and soon turns his deep voice light again, "So, what are you wearing?"

"Nothing but a smile," Changmin speaks low, deep and seductively as he turns off the lights of the studio and locks the door.

Yoochun is silent for a very long moment, "Really?" he breathes into the phone and Changmin bites on his hand to stop his laughter. "Oh you piece of shit! Can't you see me standing here!" Yoochun screams at the top of his lungs and Changmin loses it.

He settles down long enough to breath. "No, not really," he laughs as he sets his things in the trunk of his car and walks around to get in. Changmin sits in the car as Yoochun starts yelling. He laughs which angers him more and hangs up.

Changmin is pulling out of the parking lot when Yoochun calls back.

"Due to your insolence you should come pick me up, my life has been compromised twice and I blame you." he states. "You should also buy me dinner," he adds and Changmin can imagine the lovely smile that spreads beautifully across his handsome face.

"I'll get you but we'll negotiate about who's buying whom dinner," he tells him and turns left as Yoochun agrees and instructions him where he'll be waiting for him.

Changmin can feel Yoochun's eyes on him as he looks down at the menu, deciding between the chicken or fish. "You're staring," he says and reads the description for the salmon dish. "People may think you're in love with me," he grins and peeks over the edge of the menu to see Yoochun grinning.

"I am in love with you," Yoochun smiles at the sound of Changmin's scoff. He sets his menu down and Changmin feels warm while he takes a drink of water that rolls smoothly down his throat.

"Jaejoong will be pleased," Changmin jokes and waves the waiter over. "Do you know what you want?" he asks and Yoochun nods but doesn't stop looking at him.

As they eat Yoochun continues to stare and Changmin flushes, thankful for the dim lighting. "You know, you're fucking gorgeous," he says between taking bites of his dinner, drinking his wine.

Changmin glances at him with a quirky smile. "I've been told a few times," he laughs and reaches over, drinking from Yoochun's glass.

"I hate you sometimes," he curls his lips and narrows his eyes but he continues to stare and Changmin continues to feel the heat burn along his neck, unfurling like a blanket of soft waves across his shoulders.

"You love me," he says and takes another bite of his food, eyes on his plate. "Now shut up and eat."

Yoochun picks up his chopsticks and eats some rice. "I still hate you sometimes," he mutters.

In elementary school a girl who always wore her hair in braids and colorful dresses used to pick on Changmin. She was taller than him and stronger; he was one year below her and never understood why she never left him alone.

When he told his mother about her, she smiled and said it was because she liked him. He didn't believe someone who pulled his hair and threw rocks at him almost every recess, liked him.

Then one sunny day while he took a picture of a frog she came with her friends and Changmin threw the camera aside and started running home. The next morning the camera was on his desk and she wasn't in school. He found out she moved away to another city. When he developed the film, behind the picture of the frog, was a picture of the girl who always wore her hair in braids and colorful dresses, making a heart with her arms over her head and she had the prettiest smile.

|CH 1| |CH 3|
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