Lifetime To Do List.

Feb 23, 2008 13:52

Disclaimer: For some time I have been thinking of random things that I want to do in my life. I have kept them in my head for so long that I think I have forgot a couple things. I decided to post the list in my journal so I can add to it from time to time and keep track of everything. (Let's face it, I'm not getting rid of this thing.) I will also use my livejournal to document the items with pictures and words. Let's hope posting it here will also motivate me to complete more items. The items on this list are things I want to do in life just to experience it, and others are for helping me grow as a person. Some are for motivating me to achieve more and some are for pure enjoyment.

The List.
001. Visit England
002. Write a children's chapter book
003. Read the entire Bible
004. Go back & visit Hawaii (where I grew up) (Link)
005. Write & illustrated a children's picture book
006. Start my own online store/business
007. Visit Rome, Italy
008. Learn to speak Italian
009. Road trip up the Eastern Coast (I-95)
010. Visit the "4 Corners"
011. Learn to play the piano
012. See snow fall from the sky
013. Learn to use the sewing machine
014. Design & create an entire outfit from scratch
015. Bake a big/fancy cake (similar to the wedding cakes)
016. Backpack through Europe
017. See the Peter Pan statue in person
018. Create a short video clip
019. Own a large collection of books
020. Take a Road Trip ( Link)
021. Visit the castle in Harry Potter
022. Visit Canada
023. See the Guernica painting in person
024. Visit Prague
025. See the Great Wall of China
026. Sell a painting
027. Help build a house
028. Learn to speak French
029. Visit Paris, France
030. (Somehow) Attend Fashion Week
031. Go to Seattle
032. Teach overseas
033. Go to New York City
034. Work as a Camp Counselor (Link)
035. Graduate with a Bachelor's ( Link)
036. Move overseas
037. Make a purse, wallet, and/or planner case
038. Graduate with a Master's
039. Move to another state that I haven't lived in yet
040. Create a silkscreen poster
041. See the Grand Canyon
042. Visit New Orleans ( Link)
043. Tour around a historic town
044. Take voice lessons
045. Gamble in Las Vegas
046. Have a bonfire
047. Donate hair to "Locks of Love"
048. Fall in love
049. Make a difference in someone's life
050. Decorate a room entirely from scratch
051. Live on my own
052. Visit a museum of a famous painter
053. Have a "Harry Potter" themed party
054. Make up a dance
055. Be confident
056. Visit New Zealand
057. Go Zorbing
058. Give blood
059. Visit Slovenia
060. Go on a ghost tour
061. Get a teaching job
062. Knit a piece of clothing

Completed: 9 / 62
Last Updated: January 12th, 2010

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