note spelled to Millicent

Jan 04, 2006 05:23


I love the family photos, it’s been ages since I’ve seen any, by the way how are your parents? Mine had meant to drop by and see yours at some point over the holidays but I have no idea if they have. They’re being a little inattentive to social and family obligations at the moment. I rather think maybe I should make the effort but our family ties have never been quite as strong as that.

I suppose we should be thankful that at least your younger sibling has a rather tame hobby even if a fall could land him with multiple broken bones compared to mine who is probably out creating broken bones for others at the least.

I brought your gift with me if you’d like to come down to the 6th year girls’ dormitory to collect them. Ignore the squeals from the girls if you do, they are rather intimidated by you only I can’t imagine why for the life of me. Must be your new shoes. Most of our fellow housemates have fluff for brains and are all inbred anyway, I can’t imagine how they even qualify as Slytherins unless the term has become synonymous with empty headed and only interested in social standing. Speaking of inbreeding, have you heard the announcement of Miss Parkinson’s and Mr Malfoy’s engagement? I wonder how often those two families have crossed bloodlines.

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