Hi again I thanks for the positive comments on my last pic ^-^... I got some more that I have done in the past. I took the pictures with a digital camera so the one in the first post was quite dark. because I took a picture of it in my dimly lit room. So I took another picture of it in the kitchen. I haven't drawn anything recently because it usually takes a lot of of me. I can spend up to seven hours sitting in the same spot and if I'm half way through and I'm not satisfied I have to rub it all out T__T I guess i'm hard to please ^-^
The Gackt picture again...
I made lots of Gackt pics in the past but I left my folders at school and never bothered to go back. I just figured I'd eventually make more... but I haven't yet
I did this for my year 12 Visual Arts major I only had three months to do it. It needs a bit more work though (I also did this amazing 80's punk tribute poster but I left it at school as well) Anyway, I was listening to Doomsday when I came up with this idea .. people couldn't understand where I got the inspiration from and I never told them 8D... The painting is pretty big about 1 metre x 1.5 metres. My Mum is a good sport she insisted I put it on the wall So whenever someone comes over they have to look twice.
I drew this about a year ago...It still needs more work but I probably won't finish it
I took this pic in my dim room the other day and I posted it because the above pic looks a bit blurry...
a picture of Bou - I I'll never finished it and probably won't because he left An Cafe! : P