(no subject)

Jun 06, 2005 13:54

So it's been awhile since I've updated but here are some of the things that have happened.

- I now have a puppy chiuaua. His name is Valentino...not because of the designer but because he was born on Valentines day.
- Today Valentino threw a tantrum by shitting on his potty pad then dragging it around the room...our bedroom. Outside ran up to Riley's shit and ate a chunk of it. Riley is a 85 - 90 pd dog. Big shit...small puppy.
- I took today off because I didn't have anyone on my books. I figure since I won't be making no money sitting there at work...I might as well make no money sitting here at home.
- I'm going to Vegas at the end of this week...I know it will be heat stroke weather but at least I'm out of Wa. State for a spell.
- I got my price and commission increase. Yipee!!! Too bad we're slow and it doesn't mean squat anymore.
- I've started working out again. I'm really sore.
- I finally got to see some of my friends I haven't seen in sometime. I still need to call the other half.
- The house should be cleaned but I'm still sitting here doing nothing about it.
- My hair is getting longer and finally has reached my shoulder.

See...that's it. I'm still writing more in Xanga so drop by there is you have an account. ID name is Vidaloca.
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