The Rare and Random Post.

Mar 21, 2006 17:37

So. I've turned more into a reader then a poster but that's fine with me. I will update only because I can and I want to.

I have two kids now. Valentino the oldest boy and then Frodo Puff (still under debate since I want to name him Kajagoogoo) the newest son to our ever expanding family (of baby yet). I've had a rough past week with the boys since I'm back in training mode again and damn me for the lapse of memory of having to wake up almost every 3 to 4 hours. Valentino just came back from the Vet due to having vomited .5 of his total body weight. Frodo's paws and ass has to be washed every other shit since he is so fluzzy (a new word I made up fluffy + Fuzzy) and somehow, in his potty spin, he has also managed to get those section coated. Sick...good thing I love him.

This has momentarily put my 'I want to have a baby' on hold.

I'm going up in price and commission again. Yeah for me. It's sometimes blows my mind when I think of where I was, where I am and where I will be going. I love it all still and I get these wonderful infusion of passion and energy from my guests and meetings. I'm one lucky, lucky girl.

I'm going to start working towards becoming a Pilates Instructor. That means getting back on track for about a year as a student, then a year of the certification program. I still plan to get my Masters in Sociology but that's not until I'm about 50 because by that time, I'll be tired of standing but I hope to be richer in personal experience so to help direct, shape and feed my studies.

I'm going to getting a motorcycle by the end of next year...I need to put that license to use.

Travelwise: After two cancellations, my friend's wedding is back on again. Rather frustrating that it's so close to the date that the airfare and hotel prices are ridiculous. I know...I know. Suck it up, your friend only (fingers crossed) get married once in their life. I was going to the PI for a month but I found out that it would be more difficult to get that time off as a hairdresser then I thought. Maybe Hawaii will be in the cards. I've only been there in passing. Nothing more then a two hour stop over.

The cousin thing is still was it is. *sigh*
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