Oct 15, 2006 21:48
i'm already wearing my (RED) shirt!! lol!! i LOVE it!! it's so comfy and wonderful and it makes me feel so good to know who made it and how this new idea is changing lives as we speak! i encourage ALL of you to buy something (RED) for yourself or someone else! hey, if you're going to buy jeans why not try on a pair of (RED) ones at the Gap (or if you really want to spend some of your green stuff, check out Armani!), or if you want a new hoodie, bag, belt, shirt, phone, shoes, sunglasses there are all types of Product (RED) things you can enjoy! it's something you would buy anyway so why not make the money you're spending go to a good "cause". i put 'cause' in quotes because it's not a cause, it's an emergency, it's a justice issue, it's a basic human rights issue! is it really fair that 5,500 people (small, innocent, vulnerable children included!) die each day? it goes against all that i know & believe to answer this question with indifference! as i say, "ignorance is unfortunate, but indifference is tragic!". think about it; if you don't know you can''t help, but if you do know and choose to do nothing, well, i don't even know what to say to that... the more we buy these products, the more companies will join, the more a variety of products will be available to us, the more we buy, and the more lives will be saved! it's really nothing but good! the company makes some profit, the Global Fund gets money to but ARV drugs for those who need them, the people in the towns in Africa where the shirts are made have secure, fair, and safe jobs, and we get great clothes and products! there is really nothing but good that comes from this! help save lives by doing what we all love to do; shop!