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ATTENTION YA'ers!!! (and you know who you are)
This was Jason Castro's perfomance on American Idol last night.
I thought he did pretty well as did the judges. Although I may be a bit biased as I have a odd attachment to this particular version of that song. Now, if David Cook would perform the Six Packs song, all would be right with the world. lol
My goodness fandom life can certainly get away from you when you're not paying attention. Thought I'd just pop in and say hi. Not a lot of news on the home front. Which is good--
Bailey--who is now MARGE by the way-don't ask me why. Is doing great. She's really become quite the centerpiece in our house. She goes for her first vet appointment tomorrow and she starts Puppy school on Sunday. She and Evan have bonded quite significantly but when he's not around she's all mine. lol John's quite happy to be third on the list. lol
In Red Sox new: The boys got their world series rings yesterday and I have to say the whole thing was a bit lack luster. I guess there is now way to ever rekindle the 2004 championship. And they beat the Detroit TIgers 5-0 So that was nice.
Ummm, ummm.... guess that's it for the moment.
ETA: I almost forgot. Stepped on the scale this morning and I'm down 25 pounds! WooHoo!! I think all the dog walking is helping. :)