So I didn't update last night because instead of watching the episode we went to the Phillies game. We had awesome seats, but sadly the fighting Phils lost it in the 7th. We left after the 8th since I had to waddle all the way around the football field to where hubby'd parked the car...And not once did I use the pregnancy card to get through the line in the bathroom. That was the biggest downside of being on the first level. They were the longest lines I'd ever seen at CBP.
It was so poignant and yet funny all at the same time. I really felt for poor Bobby. How often is that guy going to lose a wife? And then I think about Jim Beaver, who really lost his wife and it makes my heart hurt.
Some notes:
The Russo family came from Calabria - hey, so did my family! Not on the Titanic though...a bit more recently than that...(Yeah, I'm not even going to comment on the skeevy Italian lawyer type...oh wait, I just least he wasn't a mobster. And FYI Dean, the Corleone's came from SICILY.)
From the moment Fate appeared I thought "hey, she looks like a Librarian." (Although in the scene where she spoke with Cas I thought she resembled more of a legally blond type...) And then Sam went and said "She kinda looks like a librarian..."
Dean: My kind of librarian or your kind of librarian?
Sam: Well she was wearing clothes....
Does Dean have a librarian porn fetish? And, um, I guess Rule 34 says such a thing exists...but...*tries to wrap head around that* *head explodes*
I suppose it's better than an older woman with a bun anyway...
Although I did end up liking Fate. And she didn't die! And she put Cas in his place.
The scene with Baltazar coming up behind her was hilarious. Poor B.
This actually felt very much like a Fringe episode to me - from the alternate universe with its tiny touches to chain reactions being set off by small events (like the pen in that episode of Fringe.) Oh, and B was in Fringe too. For some reason I always have trouble understanding the actor on SPN, but I think it's due to the sound quality on my TV or my cable feed, because I always understand him just fine on Fringe...(Haven't watched this week's Fringe yet, so please no spoilers for that)
Oh, and the shout out to the Dean/Cas fans...Very interesting....
I now have Celine Dion stuck in my head. Damn you! *shakes fist* Hey, wonder if this was a shoutout to the the "Celine Dion Demon" thing back from season one? I think it's in the wiki, but someone misheard Ceiling Demon (before we knew YED's name) and thought they said Celine Dion....anyway...
I didn't get previews for next week's episode on my SPN d/l. I'm guessing it's *that* episode?