Supernatural episode 5.06

Oct 15, 2009 22:12

This will be short. Phillies are playing the Dodgers:) No Project Runway for us...

Oh and as always

Castiel had a much smaller part in this than I had thought from the preview. Love the little action figure of him. Probably better done than the actual figures. Have you seen the "What, me Worry?" Dean?

The Dean and the Ham eating made me slightly uncomfy with all the pudgy!Dean fics I've been reading. Ok, so it's my fault for reading them, but I've been disturbed by some of them lately...which is fine, I acknowledge what is kink to some people disturbs others...

The hair on his palms - so Dean masturbating is canon now. *sighs* *giggles* So every single time he said he was bored we know what he got up to...

Castiel and Sam staring each other down? Kinda hot...there's a reason I want more Cas/Sam and hell more threesome fic in general.

And as for Jesse...first I thought "yay, a creepy little boy!" Now I think this isn't the last time we're going to see him. Not sure if that's a good thing or not. Although I bet he'll age himself up to an adult so they can get another actor to play him and it'll deal with the final battle.

BTW, the openers? Fucking creepy. When the Cujo scenes were shown, dog was on my lap and his ears perked. I thought we were going to get an evil dog scene, which would have made me sad. *scratches head* I can't stop feeling itchy though....

And omg, the tooth fairy? I had to duck my head and hide my eyes. I have a thing about teeth being pulled...what is UP with this show and the forceful tooth removal?

Oh nearly forgot - Cas and the whoopie cushion? How much money you wanna bet either Misha or Jared played that prank on someone on set before? ;)

I have more thank you's to post, but going to give those guys their own post tomorrow:) We're having a heck of a Nor'easter here, power's been wonky. Night everyone!

supernatural episodes, season_05

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