It's once again that time of the week guys, conversation welcome and spoilers
Man, for an episode called "Jump the Shark" that was one damn good episode and it harkened back to a lot of the things that made Supernatural great back in the early seasons. (Lacking only some really great rock music. I think I'm going to go play rock band in a sec to deal with this lack!) We had a monster of the week that we didn't figure out in the first ten minutes, conflict between Sam and Dean that harkened back to their issues in the first season, and a mystery. Plus, a twist that had Dean running to Sam's rescue, which hasn't happened for ages. All of these are elements of a classic episode.
With some key differences - Dean is more self-aware now, realizing what a lot of fandom has realized for a while now, that Sam is the one who is more like John, and that hasn't been more evident than in Sam's actions this season.
EDIT: Sigh, how could I forget. Sam thinking about bringing the kid back via Cas. The question, would Castiel do it? (It is Sam's turn to bring a brother back, isn't it?)
One moment of giggles. Every time we watch SPN there's a commercial for iPhone apps. So about halfway through the episode the commercial shows up and I say: "You want a third winchester? There's an app for that!" which had hubby in giggles. Probably the only humor we got throughout the episode.
Poor real Adam who we never knew. Oh, John, the secrets you kept. And Dean and your jealousy, and then your sudden desire to protect Adam. Take him to Bobby's? Dean's surrogate dad? I think taking the kid to Bobby's is Dean's way of acknowledging that he is their brother. Too bad it turned out to be a ghoul.
Question - why didn't Sam use his powers at the end? Do they only work on demons? Nice confirmation that his blood does taste different. I was totally squicked by the blood sucking though.
Also, note that John's "normal" son did meet his downfall due to his dad not teaching him to protect himself, that, like Sam said, the creatures in the shadows are real and you can't pretend they don't exist. John might have thought he was leaving Adam someplace safe, he'd killed the ghoul after all. Sad.
I am intrigued about the fic that will result from this. That whole conversation where Dean is saying Adam didn't have to be like them? Oh man my mind went to a wincesty place. I think it's just cause I'm craving some good Sam/Dean fic which I haven't gotten in a while. Well, let me rephrase, I haven't had time to read, what with the Atlanta trip and working on Bigbang and just being freakin' exhausted and terribly addicted to Bejeweled Blitz...
Ok, going to comment on the preview after some spoiler space. But I'll let you know that my one comment will reference an inside joke that only a few people will get, but sadly, they don't watch SPN. So, I'm going to subject you all to it. Note there is a spoiler after the space, cloaked within the joke.
His name is JIMMY. And he really likes the circus.