Supernatural episode 4.16

Mar 19, 2009 22:14

Do I have the episode number right this time? Sheesh...

As always, comments welcome and .

So, like, this was totally a Castiel episode. And, that's fine with me, cause I'm rather fond of the dude, though I know a few people aren't. Hey, I still can't stand the new Ruby actress, so, all is good. (Although, to be fair, she is improving.)

I loved the angel intrigue. Having Uriel as the bad guy, and his reasons for it? Neat. I think I've read fanfic like that recently, where the reasoning is that the angels WANT the apocalypse, cause then humanity would be destoryed and they hate humanity. Some consistent characterization with Uriel there.

Not sure if they were going for an Anna/Castiel vibe, though, considering she slept with Dean? That's kinda kinky. Where's the Dean/Cas/Anna? And note how everyone was throwing around the Cas nickname? And, Ew, Ruby calling Sam Sammy.

Oh, the whole sucking Demon blood thing. Did it have to be done during sex? Or was that just a bonus?

Ironically enough lapillus and I were just having a discussion yesterday on breaking Dean in fanfic and what could do it. I think we've seen it now. Dean starting the apocalypse, being responsible for everything he's fighting against. Being forced to torture. Being reminded he's not as strong as his dad. (Random thought. I think Dean broke and John didn't because Dean was younger when he went to Hell. He broke when he spent the same amount of time in Hell as alive -- 30 years. Huh. 30 is when Jesus began his ministry. *ponders*)

And even though the brothers are apart this episode, I actually feel better about their relationship. We have Sam doing whatever is necessary to get to Dean's side. We have him kicking ass, telling off an angel, and all for Dean. Sam is all "If Dean can't, I'll do it for him." I don't believe Dean is weak. It's not weakness that's his problem, although now even Dean thinks it is.

Now that Castiel is doubting...he isn't doubting God. He's doubting his fellow angels, who can he trust? Who joined Uriel? This is intriguing to me.

And now we know Dean's destiny, why he was pulled out of Hell. Granted I would have liked something linked more to Sam, but this works too.

EDIT: Gotta put in hubby's comment when Castiel and Uriel were fighting. "Where are the laser beams? They're angels for crying out loud!" Yeah, why weren't there any freakin' laser beams? heh.

And as for next week's preview...after some spoiler space:
Wasn't someone just joking about an amnesia episode? They are TOTALLY reading fanfic for ideas. Can bodyswap be that far behind? I'm betting the next fanfic convention turned into an episode will be that the Impala comes alive/becomes sentient. If that happens, you all owe me ficlets and it's proof Kripke has read the carpreg ;)

In other news, the state of NJ is considering banning Brazilian Waxes. I think that's absolutely stupid. Especially with the quotes that women will have to cross state lines to get waxed. Really? I mean, seriously? WTF.

supernatural episodes, season_04

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