Jan 03, 2009 20:53
I interupt the Dr. Who discussion on my flist for a question, if anyone knows this. It's for a piece of original fic I'm writing, and I poked around the web and I haven't hit on the right keywords to pull up what I'm looking for.
Basically I have a character who was adopted as a baby and was left abandoned on some church steps. About 20 years later he's returned to the state of his adoption and looking for info on his birth parents. Now, will the adoption agency disclose he was an abandonment? Would his adopted parents have been told of that before his adoption? (and I assume the state would take over adopted the baby, even if a priest finds him?)
I don't want to get too heavy into adoption law, but I want the scene in the story to be believable and I really don't want to make any stupid errors.
Thanks guys for any help you can give!