I'd like to thank everyone for the birthdy wishes! I had a great day today! I taught a class that kicked ass, goofed around with coworkers, and miracle of all miracles, NOBODY TAILGATED ME ONCE! - in Jersey, that's unpossible!
Hubby got me a terabyte harddrive. A TERABYTE - do you know how many Supernatural vids I can fit on a Terabyte of space?????? SQUEE!
He also got Lego Batman for the Xbox, so we can play together. Somehow, I end up being Robin...
I want to wish all the other October bday people a very Happy Birthday! As I said to
chelseafrew this past weekend, it's seems like half my flist was born in OCT! So, happy birthday fellow Octoberites, Libras and Scorpios...
Oh, and for my last secret gift, hubby had the local firehouse announce my 30th bday on their lighted marquee, then tried to come up with excuses to get me to drive by it. Finally he strongarmed me into going with him to get gas. We got pics;)
Updates on writing soon.