Bad news - I did something to my foot. Sprained it or something by twirling it in the air while I was on the phone. WTF? I try to read up on how to treat it online and it squicks me, so I look away. I'm doing the rest, compress, elevate thing with an icey/hot patch on it, so it's pleasantly numb. But man, this is going to kill my workout regiment to hell.
Good news - I started working on the sequel to "Darkness on the Edge of Town" which, really, I didn't intend to start until I wrote some shorter bunnies in my queue, but I had to get this opening scene down while I had it in my head. And
lapillus had made a comment about Darkness being the most complex thing I've written plot-wise...the sequel is going to be so much more complicated. Let's just say I started doing mad research on hindu scriptures and other folklore. *sighs*
Bad news - writing will be MUCH slower due to online class homework. I'm still not sleeping well. Work is MEH.
Good news - I should be going out for Japanese food for lunch. I just need to find out if tall!coworker is here....