"There's a class on revenge."

Jan 25, 2006 22:13

^^^^ what a dumb face for being stressed.

Um.....when was the last time i updated? Jesus.

Um.... Two Dollar Nasties won BOTB...but you know that. And now we're done forever. Oh well. It was fun.

Um.....fencing season.....pretty good so far. We're 4th in the county currently. My record is finally positive. 10 and 8 right now. Pretty...terrible actually. We have Whitman friday though so if i get to stay in thats 3 more free wins. My goal for counties this year is to make individuals. Since 3 number one fencers make it, all i have to do is beat two of these people: Sean McGevern, Brian Heflich, Brenden Seilaff or Matt Kennaugh and not lose any stupid bouts. What else....OH! Mark Werner, Joe Mulvaney and I got 4th place in the Huntington Relays. We beat Ward Melville which was quite a feat... which consequently used all our energy and we ended up losing to Huntington and Newfield so no medals. BOO! Oh annnd....I'm starting to really like our team as a whole. It's just different without everyone from last year but now i think the mindset of them being the team is gone. Though the people i dislike on our team just get worse every day. Oh and there's one who i did hate at one time but is getting increasingly more.... mature lately. Or so i think. Good job.

Um... school is fucking annoying. The last few weeks have been so hectic trying to get all my homework done. Thats why i havnt updated in a while. I actually thought i was failing a class or two. Ive been doing really poorly. I thought i was failing math...but Ms. Melfi showed me my grade and i got a B+ because i got a 69 on my final. That was quite unexpected. After that quarterly i was sure i failed. Also i did TERRIBLE on a physics test. And i dont know what happened. Then i got a 93 on the midterm so i guess im good now. I still think i failed the quarter in english, though that regents was sooooo easy! I used The Lorax, and The Golden Compass for my lens. Fuck you Mark Werner. Copycat. Haha. Although i admit it wasn't even my Idea; it was suggested by Kevin Gordon. (Thanks!) Oh and....Save the manatees!

Um.... One more thing... I was so excited when i qualified for the Junior Olympics...Welllllllll registration forms were due about 4 days ago. And I just remembered i still didnt send in my form. Now i cant fence and i think that qualifies as a huuuuge FFUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!
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