During the last
w00t-off, I was quick enough to order a bandolier of carrots. After a bit of a shipping panic at their end, my blinged-out cabbage is finally here, and I made out like a bandit:
1. Screaming flying stuffed monkey with a "woot!" cape
2. Swing Top -- dollar-store toy (or maybe the Chinese equivalent)
3. Targus computer gear carrying pouch
4. 4.1 megapixel digital camera
I am quite pleased with the woot-off results.
I've also started getting into amateur radio, and I have my licensing exam in a couple of weeks. Last time I took a sample exam I was right at the threshold for passing, and I hadn't done any preparation for it, so now that I have the licensing manual I should be good to go.
Work at IBM has been nice, but there are too many different things involved to really summarize it well. There's been some nice overlap between working with the servers and tinkering with my laptop (both are PowerPC systems -- they're the same from the architecture and firmware up to the lower levels of the operating systems).
The family is in town for a visit, so we went out to lunch, then three of us wandered around in a used book store (Mom went off to a quilt shop). After a while shopping, we headed out with our "new" books (I got Kierkegaard's Either/Or), then we headed back to the hotel to relax for a while. Alex and I chilled in the pool while Mom and Dad napped. After a rest, we went out to dinner at Zorba's, a Greek restaurant. Tomorrow, we hit the Spam Museum in Austin, 40 or 50 miles away.