Aug 27, 2006 23:03, I'm really tired. All I do is work and go to school. However, my wrist is hurt and I have waiting tables to make money and WRITING (seeing as I'm in class and taking notes for 6 hours a day Monday and Wednesday), so I haven't been in my martial arts class. I've been having to write with my left hand...which I haven't done since elementary's been awhile and isn't as easy as it used to be. I've been sleeping with my wrist brace on, and the first thing I feel when I take it off in the morning is pain. It sucks. I'm so happy my keyboard is ergonomic. I really need to find some ergonomic pens. Um...what was I talking about...OH, so yeah, I haven't been going to my martial arts class...I get alittle time here and there to myself, which I'm applying even more value to than I used to.
My allergic reaction I mentioned isn't going so far as I can tell it isn't really getting worse, but it's not really going away. So, I don't really have much to comment on other than it sucks that it's on my face. Still not positive why it's happening.
Okay, I'm too tired to put anymore effort in to this post. This is all you people are getting for right now.