"I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel on the inside"

Jul 19, 2006 22:51

Habe ich Sie verloren? Oder ist dieser Abstand temporär gerecht? Ich wünsche Sie mich halten.

I'm VERY pleased with how much money I came out with tonight :D It was a very good night on the floor. I felt like it was going to go horribly. I went in and realized how stressed out I was (I've gone to class once in the past two weeks due to certain circumstances) when it was alittle too late. Had to take my medicine. Seems like the snobbery of my tables kept increasing. Haha however, one of my snobby tables wrote down their numbers wrong, so they ended up leaving me an almost $30 tip. SWEET! And I had a group of lawyers who left me a $32 tip. Everybody else were...eh, so so. My first table was what really erked me. Snobby older women. GIVE ME MONEY YOU BOURGEOIS BITCHES! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
Excited to go to class tomorrow. I've been ookie (sp?) for alot of black belt stuff lately....which I really don't like as much as one might think....It's all part of the game though right? I've learned everything in yellow belt, I just have to do my time and I'll be able to move up. It think that involves me breaking boards....-grimace-
So, that's as much of an update as you people are getting right now. You'll get a better one later when I'm not so tired and hungry.
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