
Jan 08, 2006 08:39

Leave it to Lily to point out that I haven't kept my New Year's Resolution=) But I will try.

I was reading posts from friends about breakups to rules they follow for dating for girls or guys. They are really fun to read and must be right for them, but for me however...all rules about dating has pretty much gone out of the window. It's funny how you have these expectations or criteras for someone you would date, then bam...out of nowhere you meet someone that doesn't fit, fits some, or is a combination of what you want and you fall for them HARD and FAST (uh...that sounds kinda diiirty =Þ )

This love business is just weird because you can't control who you love and care for. That's why some guys fall in love with the woman who is the most horrible bitch that treat him like dirt or some girls fall for the asshole that is just using her and play mind games.

Sounds weird, but I think the ideal guy a girl should fall for is someone that loves you more each day. He may be callous and a bit selfish in the beginning, but with time, he learns the difference betweeen me, me, me to we, we, or maybe even just you you you....(but don't make a habit of that). I'd take that or better yet, the guy that loves you head over heals in the beginning and still continues to do so with time. Too often in relationships where the guy and girl try in the beginning then as time goes on they slack off. Why do that? To pull out all the big guns to impress someone or make them feel loved just at the start only? *shakes head*

All in all what can I say? Love is strange and from now on to the 14th of Feb that there will be someone that is feeling sad or whatever. I'm the weird one because on Valentines Day you will always see me with a bag of silver with red hearts hershey kisses and passing it out to everyone I run to. It's a small thing but it lets people know that someone is thinking of them on a so called "couples" holiday. Austin asked me what Valentines Day is and I told him it's Halloween for Women. I know that sounds mean but it kinda mean but I'll elaborate on this later. Gotta call the parental units=)
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