...or CPAs, for that matter. At least not in public accounting. After 22 years of accounting, I'm certifiably miserable. This has been a big part of my depression, truth be told
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Sometimes the biggest things are the "in-your-head" things...
I've been in your shoes before. It's not fun. Are you still thinking about returning to journalism? It sounded like that plan was making you happy...
And I know what you mean with having a family, and a house, and not living paycheck to paycheck, and then still feeling miserable. It always makes me feel a little bit guilty to feel crappy when I'm honestly better off than so many people. But it happens.
I hope that things get better for you. You still have plenty of years left to investigate other careers if that's what you want to do!
It's a bit of fear. Fear of not having steady income while Jeff's business grows - fear of not being able to pay a mortgage, tuition, and a car note. That's why I haven't taken the plunge. Also, fear of disappointing my biggest booster here, the partner who is like a big brother to me (right down to "nya-nya"-ing me like a sib). More on that later...thanks so much for the words of encouragement!
It stinks to have to be the one with the steady income. Hopefully once Jeff's business is up and running you'll have the freedom to pursue your own dreams!
Yes...Eddie comes out when I think about scary things like making a career change. Remember when he and Valerie used to look as though they were "separated at birth"? I bet she aged more gracefully...
You are SO Dr. Phil-ish today! *giggles* I bet Eddie thinks Valerie is scary...oh, and another thing! Did you vote in my poll? This is something important! It's the spending of $2.49!
Oops - incoming coded message for Herkie...
Bark bark wanna play! Woof woof miss my alpha Renee! Arf arf waiting patiently for my free Greenie still! Ow-woo-woo-woo-need-a-bath-at-the-self-serve-dog-wash-but-don't-wanna...
I tried to vote, but then Herkie pushed me aside and voted for me, which was pretty darn impressive considering I'm at work and he's probably on his couch at home.
Ack...Herkie's pushing me again so he can talk to Rudy.
Bark woof my Greenie is still sitting on top of the fridge arf arf arf think alpha Jon has forgotten about it whine whimper.
I've been in your shoes before. It's not fun. Are you still thinking about returning to journalism? It sounded like that plan was making you happy...
And I know what you mean with having a family, and a house, and not living paycheck to paycheck, and then still feeling miserable. It always makes me feel a little bit guilty to feel crappy when I'm honestly better off than so many people. But it happens.
I hope that things get better for you. You still have plenty of years left to investigate other careers if that's what you want to do!
Oops - incoming coded message for Herkie...
Bark bark wanna play! Woof woof miss my alpha Renee! Arf arf waiting patiently for my free Greenie still! Ow-woo-woo-woo-need-a-bath-at-the-self-serve-dog-wash-but-don't-wanna...
Ack...Herkie's pushing me again so he can talk to Rudy.
Bark woof my Greenie is still sitting on top of the fridge arf arf arf think alpha Jon has forgotten about it whine whimper.
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