Hi, everyone. *smoooooch*
As I told
stufsocker in an e-mail, I've spent one-third of the past few weeks being sick, one-third fighting the City of New Orleans, and one-half in a serious bout with depression. Serious bout.
I'm climbing up and out, thank G-d, but I still have some work to do. I really do miss you guys very much, and I really need to make the effort to get back here more.
Leah and I are going to a bar mitzvah in D.C. We're leaving tomorrow evening and coming back Sunday evening. Jeff and Rudy are staying home. Jeff will work very hard on his current project for his client, and Rudy will lie around being the stoner pup that he is.
funfairiegirl - I got a new cell phone that won't randomly dial people, because it's a flip phone (I got a magenta-colored RAZR - can you say mid-life crisis?)! But in the transfer of the SIM card, half of my numbers were dropped. So I need your number back, pretty please?
chilli_1 - thanks for keeping tabs on me and keeping me chuckling through MySpace!
sweetcheri - thanks for the call today! You live up to your name!
stufsocker and
olafandyjon - thanks so much for your kind e-mails! The SHERMY FRANKENSTEIN WALK lives!
To Herkie - Rudy says, "Woof, woof, wanna play!"
To the f-list - I love you all. I'm at a seminar all day at the office before I hop the plane with the cutie, so I won't be able to pop in. But I'm thinking of you always...
Oh, yeah...the new obsession at Meduseld, Teh Golden Hall at Edoras?
OMGWTF Heroes!
'nite 'nite!