
Feb 16, 2009 12:38

So, I seem to have made it through another JM event without serious mishap (although we were sans slaymesoftly). I was pretty much an idiot right off the bat when I left my ticket at home, and had to backtrack 20 minutes to get it, but I still managed to get there in time for dinner with seductivembrace (I've never gone 90 before!). It was a lot of fun, and mucho thanks to ( Read more... )

music, cons, james marsters is adorkable

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Comments 56

gabrielleabelle February 16 2009, 17:51:45 UTC
Sounds like fun! Can't wait to see piccies from some of the other attendees.

JM's too old for me now to really get me tingly, so I feel you there. Love his music, though (And him. I think he's fab).


eowyn_315 February 16 2009, 18:13:47 UTC
Oh, yeah, he's definitely fab. :) I still fangirl him as an actor, and a little bit as a musician, and hell, I even think his science geekiness and political obsession are adorable.


goldenusagi February 16 2009, 17:57:21 UTC
Sounds like you had a good time!

The right front section looked like the paparazzi LOL. I can imagine. But I'm looking forward to seeing some of their pictures.

Yeah, James, I think everyone guessed about "Dangerous" a long time ago. :) I'm really not a fan of his music so much; it's just not the style I listen to. Not that I'd say no to a concert if he did one close to me. But I'd more be going to see him, than to see him sing.


eowyn_315 February 16 2009, 18:18:08 UTC
James does actually play my style of music pretty much, so I'd say it's probably about equal parts wanting to see him and wanting to hear him sing. If it was just about the music, I doubt I'd be driving 3 hours to see him, since I don't drive that far to any other concerts, even for my favorite bands.


bendy1 February 16 2009, 18:12:29 UTC
Now, I've seen accounts of this, and I always thought to myself, "It can't really be that bad, can it?" Oh, yes. Bless their little hearts, but James fans have no rhythm.

SEE! OMg I am so right. No-one believes me, but it's AWFUL. EVERY. TIME.


eowyn_315 February 16 2009, 18:18:52 UTC
LOL, maybe we need to arrange clapping lessons for fans at the next con.


bendy1 February 16 2009, 18:26:37 UTC
They'll never learn, they think they're doin it rite. NO UR DOIN IT RONG.


kimrae1977 February 16 2009, 18:15:53 UTC
Still does it for me, at 31. :D

Yep, they can't clap....at the standing gigs, I'm front as possible, though, because I'm short, so I don't hear it much, thankfully. :P

He's a bit of a natural flirt, but yeah, I think there are some tendencies left over from GOTR. And he'd probably have more confidence to just be himself if he was performing more often, but alas, not his day job....I do love seeing his improvement over the years, though!


eowyn_315 February 16 2009, 18:23:38 UTC
Yeah, the GOTR days seemed to be a lot more about impressing girls than actually performing music (God help them if that was them doing their best), but it seems like he wants to be taken a little more seriously as a solo artist. Not so seriously that it would ever become his day job, but enough that he's not just Spike with a guitar anymore. But he still plays to the "Spike with a guitar" crowd with some of his songs.


empresspatti February 16 2009, 18:21:14 UTC
I've never met him in person and don't think I find the concerts anything but cringe-worthy. I absolutely loved the Spike personna, and do find him attractive.

All that being said - I wish I could see more of him on tv - but I think my original crush/object of fantasy is pretty much gone forever. Which is ok - he took too much space in my head.

Still - It is fun to look at the pix and hear the reports. Y'all are a fun bunch to know....


eowyn_315 February 16 2009, 18:28:26 UTC
LOL, from what I've heard, the concerts started out as the equivalent of going to your kid's middle school band concert, but he really has gotten better. Now it's more like a high school band concert - good enough to call it a performance, and you forgive the mistakes because you love them. :)

I think my original crush/object of fantasy is pretty much gone forever. Which is ok - he took too much space in my head.

Hee! No kidding - just think of all the free time I'll have if I don't talk about JM all the time. :)


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