FYI, the policy on purging inactive LJs
has been updated:
A journal is defined as inactive if it has not been logged into for 24 consecutive months and has only one post (i.e., the welcome post). A community is defined as inactive if has not been updated for 24 consecutive months and has only one entry and no comments.
This would seem to indicate that we can all stop worrying about journals with content (including deceased LJers). It's just the name-squatters that will be deleted. And if you do have an empty journal, all you have to do is log in once every two years and you're fine.
However, this does raise an interesting dilemma, which
ladyofthelog just pointed out - purging inactive journals will mean that certain user names will become available again. *ahem* I'm looking at you,
eowyn315 (sworn nemesis, bane of my existence... you get the picture). I've been told that changing your name doesn't mess up links to your journal, so the question is...
Do I want to finally be rid of my underscore?? I am Eowyn315, no underscore, just about everywhere else - my email, YM, archives, possibly forums, but I'm not sure since I haven't logged into any in forever. The only place I'm still underscored is Dreamwidth, because I figured it'd be less confusing to match my LJ name. Which I suppose will now be confusing anyway if I can't change that one, too.
So, as with all the important decisions in my life, I'm asking my flist!
Poll To underscore or not to underscore