Well, it's the 4th of July, so there's really only one show I could feature today - 1776. My American History teacher in high school showed us the movie in class, but fast-forwarded through all the parts with Abigail Adams and Martha Jefferson (because women are a waste of time, you know). Apparently, it wasn't "relevant" - because the rest of the movie is SO historically accurate, right? John Adams and Thomas Jefferson totally burst into song in the middle of the Continental Congress. *eyeroll* Ugh, it pissed me off that she did that. It wasn't until I saw a community theater production that I actually saw the whole show all the way through.
Anyway! It's a fun, kind of silly musical that doesn't take itself too seriously. And Mr. Feeny plays John Adams! Yep, from Boy Meets World, lol.
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Haha, I love how they get all excited about sexual combustibility, and "You do? John? Who'd have thought it!" Oh, poor abused John Adams (who was not really "obnoxious and disliked" until after his presidency. What were we saying about historical accuracy?). "We may see murder yet!" LOL!